Automate your Claims Process with our AI-Powered EHR Software
Our AI-powered EHR software automatically captures claims required data from patient clinical notes and creates and submits claims electronically. Save time and money, reduce errors, and improve your overall claims process.

AlfaMD Practice Management

In the dynamic realm of healthcare, the importance of patient engagement and streamlined communication cannot be overstated. The AlfaMD EHR system represents a substantial stride in this direction, achieved through the integration of a patient portal that provides an array of features. Let’s explore how our patient portal is revolutionizing the healthcare experience.

Revenue Cycle Management

As a clinician, are you struggling to keep track of the revenue being generated and the pending AR? Put an end to your worries! Our Practice Dashboard is designed intuitively to make it easier for you to locate AR through distinct features such as aging by patient and aging by insurance. That’s not it; with this functionality, you can have access to net posting and AR by insurance carriers.

Appointment Scheduling

Keep track of all upcoming appointments with an in-built appointment dashboard and customize your scheduling options

Appointment reminders

Our appointment reminder feature sends regular reminders to providers and patients that help them keep track of appointments and never miss one.

person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing
person using phone and laptop
Real-time eligibility verification

We understand that accuracy and efficiency are paramount in the intricate healthcare landscape, where patient care and administrative tasks intersect. One crucial aspect that embodies this balance is eligibility checking in medical billing. Our EHR system provides a Real Time eligibility feature that enhances quality, increases productivity with fewer clicks, and saves time and resources.

Auto Electronic Claims Creation and Submission

Automated electronic claim creation and submission eliminates the need for manual data entry and paper-based processes. This saves valuable time for administrative staff, allowing them to focus on higher-priority tasks. Increase your productivity with the auto-claim submission feature of AlfaMD EHR.

person using MacBook pro
A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk
Authorization management

Enhance the quality of your practice by protecting patient privacy, ensuring compliance with regulations, and maintaining data security by utilizing our in-built authorization management system.

ERA Bot and Batch Posting

Ensure swift payment and claim handling with our automated ERA bot system that ensures increased productivity and reduces the risk of human error, which in turn results in a smooth billing process and faster payments.

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AR made Easy

No more messy AR sheets. Our EHR system provides a very unique AR process. Users are able to access all the pending AR on one screen, and that too with a variety of filters to make the AR process faster and easier.

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